“WHERE THE LOVE AT” (produced by Shadowville)




Written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by Shadowville Productions. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit. We all need to take a real honest look at ourselves and accept the amazing fact that we all come from the same essence. We can’t go on living in the same way we have for milennia while somehow avoiding worldwide chaos. Even with the heights of all our technological, social and medical advances, machines actually contribute to our alienation from society and our poor health, people still struggle all their lives through poverty and violence, and millions still die every day due to incurable illnesses. It’s definitely time we all stop and think about the message of Truth which can be found within us, the same message some enlightened beings have attempted shared with us since the beginning of time, regardless of being ridiculed and mocked, persecuted and crucified. They all tried to show us something so simple, yet so precious; something so full of goodness that it encompasses all that is good, from respect among all beings, to compassion for the less fortunate, to intrinsic, unconditional love for those we build a bond with throughout our lives. If we all look for this Truth within us, regardless of race, nationality, religion or belief system, we will clearly see that love is the answer very much needed to the uncertain questions we all face in today’s corrupted world. So I ask you, “Where the love at?!?”

~ God bless | ~ REBEL SPIRIT


“ETERNAL MOTION” (produced by One Tone)

“ETERNAL MOTION”Eternal Motion.png, written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by One Tone. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Everything is in constant motion, even the most seemingly solid objects. Energy is always transforming itself into the next stage of life. In the same way an alchemist is transformed by the powers of wisdom and self-realization, as the energy within begins to shift from the mundane to the eternal. God bless!




“FEEL THE RHYTHM” (produced by FrozenjaZz)


REBEL SPIRIT (1).pngWritten and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by FrozenjaZz. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit.

A track about embracing the rhythm of the universe which is present inside and outside of us, and following it wherever it may lead us.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~ Alan Watts




“REBEL SPIRIT” (produced by Bearded Skull)


Written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by Bearded Skull. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit. A track about the meaning of being a Rebel, described by me as “following the vision of realness that I’ve been haunted by, since the day I wrote a rhyme, it inspired my soul to shine.” Dope rhymes on a hard-hitting beat produced by Bearded Skull. 




Where do ideas come from?

-All knowledge comes from the stars (the universal mind). Men do not invent or create ideas; the ideas exist and men are able to grasp them.-- Paracelsus (1493-1541).png

Art by Alex Gray. | http://www.alexgrey.com/

Even the most amazing ideas, which seem to come to us as random glimpses of insight, suddenly illuminating our Spirits in a flash as if we were remembering some deep truth once forgotten, gradually lose their brilliance with every thought that comes to mind after them, eventually being forgotten altogether once again. I find great truth in the following statement by Paracelsus, who believed that “all knowledge comes from the stars (the Universal Mind). Men do not invent or create ideas; the ideas exist and men are able to grasp them.” I take this to mean that ideas are not opinions at all, but are actually facts. Real ideas are truths regarding God and the laws which dictate the entire universe. These ideas reside in the realm of pure wisdom, the realm of Spirit, which is above the carnal mind. Paracelsus refers to this Spirit as “The Universal Mind”, comparable to the Spirit which I often speak of, which is the emanation and reflection of God’s being dwelling inside of us. Ideas are therefore truths, whether we grasp them or not, and we all grasp each universal truth according to our own level of consciousness, depending on how in tune we are with the realm of pure wisdom, and with our spiritual nature.

The nature of the Divine Spirit within us is pure and righteous in every sense of the word. In Hinduism, it is our true Self, the Atman in each of us which reflects the complete all-pervading Brahman; and in Kabbalistic terms, it is the Divine Light in us which emanates from the Ein Sof, through the sefiroth of the Tree of Life. An incredible amount of cultures and belief systems have different terms for these very similar concepts, which is further truth of the relevance of Paracelsus’ statement, that all ideas exist as universal truths, and that it is up to us to grasp them. Sometimes, through silencing the mundane thoughts of the mind, and through deep contemplation of the mysteries of life, we are able to grasp some of these Divine truths. The problem is that we are often so excited by having realized something important, that our ego starts glorifying itself as if it had thought of the idea itself, shifting the focus from the Divine Self of the Spirit to the fake self of the mind. Other times, the opposite takes places, and feelings of insecurity and doubt lead us to criticize and suppress the Divine ideas we have realized. These feelings are also products of mental patterns adopted by us.

FB_IMG_1495399535460.jpgMany ideas are often destroyed by the mind before they can be manifested into physical reality as either righteous speech or action. For example, we might find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation which requires us to act against what we know to be correct. We see others around us engaging in destructive behaviors, and the Divine Spirit within us points out to us the great truth that such behavior is wrong. Feeling such conviction, we will not partake, and we might even feel inspired to motivate our peers to change their behavior patterns. This is a Divine idea which we have had the ability to understand. What happens way too often however, is that we begin to think such thoughts as “Who am I to instruct others on how to live their lives?”, or “No one would pay attention to me, and they might even discriminate against me, if I were to share this great truth with them, which would surely interfere with their immediate ignorance and pleasure.” We remain silent as to not disturb the masses with the truth, deciding to place minimal importance on the difference such an idea might have made in another’s life in the long run. We can see from this example, that this process of pollution and eventual destruction of a Divine idea is brought about by the various overpowering doubts, insecurities, confusions and preconceived notions that are so cherished and nurtured inside the finite human mind.

If we want to practice getting in tune with our Spirit in order to have deeper insights into the nature of things, e must resist becoming confused by the memories that haunt us, or by the aspirations we have of imaginary scenarios, or by fantasies of material gain or powers not yet attained. Realize that no other moment will ever come. Life is no more the present moment, as every second that passes brings about a completely new reality from the one we are experiencing now. If we are constantly overanalyzing the past, we are filling ourselves with regret, and if we are constantly thinking of the future, we are filling ourselves with shame for not being the person we wish to be now. Either way what we are doing above all is reinforcing the belief that the present is not good enough. When this happens continually, we become immersed in our thoughts, and we reach a point where we can never be totally in the present. If we cannot be in the present moment, we can never fully grasp the Divine ideas, or truths, of life. This is because the Spirit realm of wisdom, from which these truths come, is not ruled by time. Time is an imaginary product of our mind, and if we are constantly in another period of time in our head, we are definitely not getting in tune with the realm of Spirit. We must realize that now is the only time we have to act upon our intuition, and to transform ourselves into our highest version. When we receive a revelation from the Spirit, we must appreciate it to the fullest extent, and put it into practice before it becomes mentally corrupted.



A Higher Calling to Live According to the Spirit.

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Recognizing the ego for the prison that it is, we can feel ourselves being called to a Higher order, a Higher standard of living, than the masses, including that of our own carnal selves. We are compelled to rise above all kinds of petty nonsense and conflict, preferring inner peace and healing for all people instead. When we are able to put our worldly ambitions and carnal desires to the side, and we stop seeing each other as enemies competing for power and status, or for material luxuries such as the best-paying jobs, or the most expensive cars, homes, and vacations, we begin to get in touch with our real values and goals, which are the pure desires of our true Self, the reflection of God in man. As we become aligned with our true morals, values and beliefs, and we slowly but surely let go of all the lies we have incorporated into our personalities, we become aware of the amazing fact that we are all Spirits, formed from the exact same Divine essence; and we notice that all our shortcomings actually stem from the same root; which is, namely, weakness of Spirit. 

Our Spirit has the miraculous capacity to be extremely strong, but its strength must be constantly exercised. Weakness of spirit is a condition reached when the Spirit’s holiness is not exercised, but rather ignored, resulting in an unconscious surrender to the mind. The mind, being a physical organ, which only began existing as we were conceived in our mothers’ wombs, is limited to the concepts, ideas, experiences, emotions, and thoughts it has contained within itself during the span of one lifetime. Our Spirits however, being made from the pure and eternal Infinite Light which emanates from God, actually possess all the qualities of Holiness, but only at a potential level, since we do possess free will, and so have the choice of whether to act upon our Holy nature or our mind’s carnal nature. A Spirit which has chosen to follow the path of the mind has chosen to follow material, inferior desires than those Holy ones we spoke of. That Spirit therefore becomes corrupted by almost uncontrollable addictions and vices, such as money, drugs and alcohol, lust, sex, and so-called material “power”. By following these carnal desires, the Spirit unknowingly enters a state of submissiveness to the mind, forgetting to exercise its own Holy attributes which would otherwise free it from the mind’s control.

A lot of us are walking around so immersed in our mind’s memories of pain, not knowing that we have the ability tap into a power capable of transcending all pain, and which lies dormant within us at all times. From this perspective, we find that can help anyone to change, by making them aware of the higher Self within themselves, which would then do the rest of the transformative work within them. Ultimately, we must all begin by healing ourselves. The good thing is that we can heal others in the process of healing ourselves, and in turn, we heal ourselves in the process of healing others. When we face hate with love we heal the planet which we live in, and this what so many of us are currently feeling called to do. We witness the atrocities committed by other human beings throughout our planet, and we wonder how someone from our same species, similar to us in many aspects, can hold the potential inside themselves for such acts as torture, mass murder, and even genocide. We cannot comprehend what can motivate people to commit these crimes, because we assume that all people think and feel the same as us, and are decent human beings. The fact is that, in Spirit, all of us have a common knowledge of what is right, and this is the cause of the moral laws agreed upon by most societies on Earth up until the present day, such as outlawing murder, rape, and theft. These are things which we all agree upon as evil. However, although we are the same in Spirit, in mind we are all very different, and this is the reason why many people break those moral laws which we mentioned. 

Someone who break such an obviously just law as “Thou shalt not kill” is definitely not listening to the inner Spirit of wisdom within himself. Such a person is so immersed in the evil desires of his mind and emotions, that in an instant he takes the life of a fellow human being, choosing instead to ignore the knowledge he knows deep inside, that what he has done is wrong. Whereas the Spirit knows the truth and wisdom regarding everything, and is eternal and forever Holy, the mind is molded in accordance to the lives we lead and the things we experience, so each person’s mind is completely different, depending on the quality of life that person has lived. Our minds can be built up with knowledge and creative ideas, or they can become corrupted with hate, anger and resentment, among other vile things. The Spirit cannot be molded by such things. Spirit always contains wisdom within it, and therefore even the worst criminals contain the Spirit of wisdom within them. The problem is that when we decide to follow the mind, we are at its mercy. The mind will lead us, and its leadership will be based on what has been accumulated in it, be it good or bad. Knowing that such is the condition of man, we who acknowledge this great truth have chosen to follow our intuition, recognizing every moment as a Divine opportunity to tune in to the deepest wisdom available to us. We feel that it is our duty to utilize the talents and ideas which we have have been blessed with in order to positively influence those around us and to inspire them to have positive, productive ideas of their own and to come face to face with their own realization of this higher calling of the Spirit. Our duties are also to use those same talents God has granted us with in order to keep on refining our own characters as we master the art of self-realization, building more talents within ourselves and finding more opportunities to share with the world. In this manner, we keep on sharing wisdom and receiving wisdom, following the Spirit within us, and encouraging others to do the same. There is no greater joy in life than helping others to become aware of their Divine nature, which will forever aid them in overcoming their struggles and conquering their fears.         


As I describe this awakening process to you, let me explain that this feeling in my soul, which I know is felt by many others, transcends any kind of dogma or religion, as it is simply a longing for The Absolute Truth. I feel a deep bliss whenever I meditate on the feeling of being here now, in the present moment. I feel amazement at the beauty and intelligent design of the planet which we live in. As I walk through the woods, or hike up a mountain, or swim in the beach under the rays of the sun, I am in a constant state of awe at the infinite diversity all around me. I am overwhelmed with intense excitement as I feel old layers of pain, resentment, judgements, false ideas and ideologies begin to crumble to dust. I see it so clearly now, how blinded I used to be back when I used to wait for every weekend in order to get as drunk as possible and escape the dullness of material existence for a few hours. I am now aware that many of us are content with living such miserable lifestyle because we have forgotten who or what we truly are. If we had any idea of the Divine, infinite potential we hold within our Spirit, we could not stand another minute of feeling sorry for ourselves or complaining about our lives; instead, we would get up right now to do what we need to do, to promote everything we love with passion and positivity, and to build others up with every interaction.

I realize now that once we start being thankful for what we have and seeing life as a complete balance, which presents us with relaxation when it is needed, and with challenges when they are needed, everything begins to automatically feel like a blessing, as if the pieces of the puzzle are constantly falling into place even through every obstacle we may face. Every single moment of life can now be appreciated to the fullest extent, and regarded as a blessing or a lesson, which is actually its own kind of blessing. This does not mean that those of us who have chosen to walk this spiritual path live in a perfect bubble of happiness. There are still many moments when we may fail to control our minds, letting our guard down and allowing a particularly strong emotion, such as anger, to take over. Do not panic, for enlightenment is not a fixed point that can be reached in time, but rather a kind of awareness that we can practice during every moment we live, for as long as we live. Once awareness is attained and continually practiced, every error can be corrected. Awareness is what allows us to evaluate our behavior patterns, and to constantly exercise wisdom as we find new, creative ways to correct the negative patterns. It is my firm belief that if we all take a moment every day to step back from our mental chatter and the problems of our everyday life, and we examine which are the things in our lives that truly serve us, and which are the things that hold us back, we can all come face to face with the Divine spirit of wisdom within us, often called conscience. If we all were to habitually practice listening to our conscience on a daily basis, we would have a much better planet without a doubt. In conclusion, my advice to anyone is to practice constantly listening to the wisdom within, which is God’s reflection in you, and urge others to do the same. If we follow these steps, we can all become righteous, and experience a much more fulfilling experience on this planet and beyond.





On the meaning of Rebellion.


To be a Rebel is not the equivalent of being a criminal or a gangster, or to take part in some form of armed rebellion or protest. By that statement, I in no way mean to infer that protesting against injustice is negative at all, but my aim here is to rid the word “Rebel” from any negative, violent or aggressive connotation, or any mental image of political conflict that might be associated with it. A Rebel is, in fact, an intellectual; a person who, seeing the vast majority of his or her peers crawl down an endless road of perdition and struggle, wrestling against the demons of temptation, lethargy and depression which so often take hold of us when we live a life which is completely immersed in material existence, decides to take control and make something of himself, his real Self. A rebel, rather than aspiring to be a wealthy and famous celebrity or businessman who can do as he pleases at any moment in order to feed his weak ego which is held together only by the very insignificant fact that he has millions safely stored away in a bank account, aspires first to be a righteous individual, knowing that no person can fail in any respect who walks in righteousness.                                        

oshorebel.jpgA Rebel is righteous in the sense that a rebel empties his mind of harmful, negative ideas and thoughts, realizing that the mind is a very powerful tool which we ought to be deeply thankful for. A Rebel realizes that by constantly feeding his mind with trash as most of society does, he is bound to achieve none but the same results as if he were to constantly fill his body with junk food, namely that the mind will become ill and unstable. Upon facing such a realization, a rebel cannot refuse to take action and ignore the truth. A rebel is a follower of truth under any circumstances, who refuses to behave as the masses do simply because we have been sold the idea that we must do so in order to survive, and who refuses to behave as his carnal desires entice him to, not allowing himself to be blinded and tempted by the idea of the cheap thrill derived from false, worldly pleasures. Indeed, it is true that no great achievement in the history of our planet has ever come from conformists, and as George Bernard Shaw put it, “all great truths begin as blasphemies.” Therefore, rebellion has nothing to do with physical or verbal violence or abuse. On the contrary, a Rebel, realizing the amazing healing power which words contain, uses his speech to heal, be it through blessings, greetings, prayer, conversation, lectures, or music, which is an obvious favorite of mine.            

There is no doubt that society has indeed been heavily influenced and shaped by notorious Rebels. One who has inspired millions, if not billions of people, is John Lennon, who definitely agreed with me in the opinion that violence is not an effective way of dealing with the corrupt system in which we live in. Lennon once stated that “when it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game”, further adding that “once they’ve got you violent, they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.” So now, I believe we have established without a doubt that Rebellion, or the simple act of being a Rebel, has nothing to do with weapons or violence, but everything to do with true peace, which we call inner peace. I consider inner peace to be the ability to remain calm in all situations, through all the happenings of life, through the highs and the lows; and not only that, but to find beauty in impermanence of it all. This does not mean to be emotionless through a desperate situation, but rather not to make a non-desperate situation desperate with our irrational emotions. Such a thing happens when we let our emotions take hold of us, and we navigate life being easily influenced by them. If we continue on in such a manner, we are sure to be easy prey for those who want to, consciously or unconsciously, alter our thought patterns and behaviors, whether for better or for worse. Most of the time however, mental manipulation does not happen for the benefit of the manipulated person, but for the benefit of the manipulator. Therefore, a true rebel can renounce violence and retribution in the face of adversity, refusing to bring himself down to the level of those who are not yet on his level of consciousness and appreciation for peace.                                                                                          

REBEL SPIRIT (3).jpgA Rebel dares to voice an unpopular opinion, to shine bright and proud among a mass of dull and unoriginal zombies, copying and repeating, internalizing and spewing back out, everything they consume through the physical senses. A Rebel boldly exploits his creative talents and interests, as well as the full power of his mind and body, in order to optimize his life experience, by constantly learning, and applying what is being learned, in order to remain in a state of constant improvement and progress, which ultimately leads to inner and outer prosperity alike. A Rebel never ceases to observe and analyze each moment of life, knowing that each movement, from the smallest to the largest, is but a manifestation of the energy which is all around us as well as inside us, the energy which guides us as long as we listen, and which is a direct emanation of God’s Divine light. The same inner light is what guides us on the path of Rebellion, as we educate ourselves and stop falling as victims to a sheep mentality. I conclude this statement by pointing out that being a Rebel is not an option in our world; it is actually essential to any person who wishes to become free, and to open up to the full potential which is hidden dormant within himself. As Albert Camus so perfectly put it in one of my long-time favorite quotes, “The only way to deal with an unfree world, is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” 

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The brain as a filtering mechanism for reality.



As individuals on this planet, we all experience reality from our own level of perception and understanding, and from this we conclude that reality is not a fixed truth, but rather subjective, depending on each person’s view on various aspects of existence. This means that two people standing side by side can be experiencing completely different worlds while standing no more than a meter away from each other. Indeed, this is so on a merely mental level, since the non-stop, limited thoughts and ideas of our egos prevent us from ever joining in unison as an entire species. However, this is not to say that we are each floating in our own bubble of reality and are completely separate from everyone and everything else either. There definitely is one Absolute Truth behind the universe, the world, and all that we call reality; and there is undoubtedly one single Divine energy, fragmented into endless bodily incarnations. By Divine, I mean that the energy which pervades everything that exists emanates from God himself.

Since we as spiritual beings have been placed in this material world for whatever reason, the fact is that we must survive; and so that we might survive in the face of destruction, which takes place every day in our planet, we have been gifted with a wonderful instrument called the brain. The brain, as great as it may be as a tool for physical survival, is actually a filter which prevents us from seeing every single perspective there really is to see when it comes to any given situation. We cannot perceive all these perspectives because their understanding lies in facts beyond what our brain perceives, both within and without us. This is, in fact, an incomplete version of complete reality.

huxley.jpgAldous Huxley proposed this fascinating idea in his book The Doors of Perception, suggesting that the brain is actually a filtering mechanism which decides what parts of complete reality are relevant to our current situation and needed for survival, and basically blinds us from everything else which does not fit this purpose. This means that the brain was primarily designed to deal with material existence, by processing complete reality, which cannot be seen through any one man’s personality or bias, and presenting us with an incomplete version of reality which only includes the details the brain deems necessary for our current, physical survival. This version of reality is the finished product, so to speak; the rendered version of reality that we see with our eyes. As has been scientifically observed, when one uses psychedelic drugs, there is actually less activity in the brain, as opposed to more. This is not what one might normally expect when one considers the overwhelming and even frightful images or dream-like thoughts that one experiences during a psychedelic trip. This peculiarity was precisely what led Huxley to his hypothesis of the brain being a filtering mechanism. How could the brain produce such an altered state of consciousness by using less of its own activity?


The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, by Aldous Huxley

It is logical to assume that these realities which we experience when we relax the use of our brains do not come from the realm of mind at all, but from the spiritual dimensions which are all around us yet invisible to us. The idea is that psychedelic drugs, as well as other methods such as fasting and meditation, lead us to these mystical experiences since they temporarily weaken the filter, or brain, which prevents all these aspects of reality to be perceived during daily, sober existence. This does make a lot of sense to anyone who believes that there is some sort of spiritual reality beyond this material existence and our senses. If there is truly more to life than what we see with our eyes or hear with our ears, then perhaps the brain really is the thing that prevents us from seeing all there is to see, or hearing all there is to hear, and with good reason at that.

Although experiences such as occasional psychedelic trips and fasting can be extremely beneficial to spiritual awakening and complete consideration of the mystery of life, can you imagine living every day of your life in an acid trip? Comically, we might joke around about what bliss it would be if we could live free of responsibilities, wandering up and down the bright landscapes of such an altered dimension forever; but the fact is that we would not be able to lead so-called “normal” or productive lives, as I believe is something most experienced psychonauts can agree upon. Just contemplate how time and space are described by spiritual masters to be illusory aspects of the physical world. Is it a coincidence that a small dose of psychedelics can make us forget about our schedule, and a large dose has the miraculous ability to completely alter our sense of space, not to mention making time completely disappear as if it were such an irrelevant and insignificant thing?

Mystical experiences can give us a glimpse of divine gnosis, but eventually we must come back to our material reality and put what we have learned to use, finding creative ways in which we can contribute to the well-being of other sentient beings in any way we can. If we do not put acquired knowledge to good use, it is just that; knowledge, with no purpose. However, when we start to actively seek opportunities to use what we have learned in order to promote positivity in our environment, what we are doing is allowing ourselves to constantly surrender to wisdom, allowing it to speak from our true Self, the reflection of God, and to build strength of character within us. Such is the way in which Divine wisdom begins to show us the right path to walk, refining every aspect of our character. It is very true that knowledge is definitely important, and it is even synonymous with power according to the famous Albert Einstein quote, but ultimately it is wisdom which allows us to use the knowledge we have acquired in intelligent ways, ways that can inspire, build and contribute to civilization. Never stop learning, but never become so immersed in your learning that you overlook the wisdom you can build by applying your knowledge to reality.



The Silence within the Self.



“In silence, when there are no words, no language, nobody else present, you are getting in tune with existence.”

~ Osho (1931-1990)

Often times silence speaks louder than a thousand words.
Silence can be sleep, it can be a dream. It can be a daydream.
Silence can be deep meditation or introspection, or it can be a subtle representative of a profound sense of awe that has effectively rendered one speechless. Silence can even signal pain, disregard or disrespect for another. Silence can mean someone is at the brink of despair and sees no use for speaking, being so stuck in the troubles of his or her own mind.

Our topic today focuses, however, upon a very positive kind of silence; in fact it is the most positive kind of silence there is, Divine silence. The silence mentioned by Osho in the aforementioned quote is, in fact, that kind of silence, the silence we find within when we practice various forms of meditation, or when we practice identifying more and more with our true awareness rather than with our mind’s thoughts and ideas. This silence contains occult wisdom in itself, since this Divine silence is the silence of the Self, and the Self is in turn a reflection of the Almighty God who created all there is. In other words, we (our true Selves) were made in God’s image, as a reflection of such a great power, and this silence which we find within, represents the nature of each one’s individual Self. It represents some of the good attributes of God, which are also found in the Self as a reflection of God; namely, tranquility, peace, clarity, bliss and wisdom.

When we set out to find the wisdom contained in us in spiritual form, we create this conscious shift in our being, replacing mental chatter, worry and anxiety, which lead to extreme stress, physical illness and an overall unsatisfactory life experience, and we begin to discover the immense benefits of identifying with the silence of the Self, rather than the noise of the ego, or man’s carnal nature, which resembles a toddler who will not, by any means, stop whining in a very loud and obnoxious way until he gets exactly what he wants. Such are the characteristics of the ego inside of man, burning with selfish, lustful desires which are bound to corrupt even the most righteous of persons, bringing them to certain sorrow and grief if followed. In contrast, the silence we refer to resembles babies at the moments in which they are exploring our diverse world for the first time, crawling around in this strange new land, adventuring into the unknown. One need not try too hard in order to notice their pure sense of wonder and amazement, of awe and “holy curiosity” for the miracle of life, as Einstein mentioned.


Babies stare perplexed at us and at the objects around them, intrigue written on their innocent little faces. One cannot help but notice that they are happy merely to be alive, and to be a part of the Divine order of existence. Babies are not afflicted by the incessant fears and ambitions that haunt us adults as though they were real demons, which lead some of us to commit crimes or act out, succumb to severe anxiety or chronic depression, or even take our own lives. Our planet is in urgent need of people with holy curiosity. We must aspire to be holy, righteous, selfless, pure, wise, and all other attributes of goodness, for this is the nature of the spirit in us, the true Self. Selfishness, lust, greed, envy, hate; this is the carnal nature of the mind, a physical organ with ingrained survival instincts.

We must gradually learn to keep the desires of the mind in check, and learn to distinguish between the desires of the mind and the advice of the Self. When we become such inspired, awe-struck children again, that we cannot succumb to temptation, because we feel a deep conviction to shining the light of wisdom that is within, then we are making progress, stepping into the silence that allows us to make the right decision, free of mind’s doubts and insecurities. Humanity must interpret the world anew, as if reborn, in order to see the beauty which is all around us, which our mind loses interest in over many years of social conditioning in our modern system of life. Although this is often so, it is definitely possible to tune back into our Self. In times of violence and corruption as we see in our present day, it is essential that the wise person take his or her responsibility to life and to our planet seriously, and decides it is time to start living life in a more mature manner, a wiser manner. Let us all then train our minds, in order that they may obey when we request silence of them, so that we may take some time to tune in to our Self, our spirit, and receive the wisdom of God in our lives.




Self-control is the science above all sciences.


Manly P. Hall was an amazing scholar on occultism and Divine matters regarding religion and spirituality, and it is no surprise that his perspective on wisdom would be so clear and accurate. As Plato once observed and stated, “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” This unfortunate truth is due to the fact that “the masses”, as Plato describes the general, average population, seldom seek truth. After all, the truth can be very painful in many instances.


Truth often hurts because it tears apart the preconceived notions in our minds; notions which have been fabricated subconsciously through years of conditioning and propaganda. We have proof that this is true when we observe and accept the sad reality that most people are fully aware of the destructive nature of their nutritional habits, yet they continue eating just the same. Much the same way, the addict is fully aware of the utterly devastating nature of the drug he consumes, but he chooses to indulge time and time again. Why do human beings act in such a way? We engage in such behaviors because they keep us in our comfort zone; they do not interfere with our sense gratifications, or the desires of our body and mind, but the real fault in us which is the root of the problem lies in a complete lack of self-control. Self-control is essential to living a balanced, positive and healthy life, yet most people choose to exert a very limited amount of it during daily life, as well as exercising a very limited amount of willpower to go along with it, if any at all.

So what exactly is this life-changing practice of self-control really all about? Self-control is described by 19th-century philosopher and writer James Allen as being “of greater importance than all the other sciences combined, and without which, all science would but subserve the ends of selfishness, and aid in man’s destruction”. This is a universal truth which cannot be ignored. Can we imagine the events that would take place in our planet if human beings were not born with at least some ability to exercise self-control? All we need to do to answer this question is pay close attention to the lives of people who cannot control themselves, in whichever aspect it may be, in order to come to the conclusion that a constant lack of self-control can wreak havoc on a person’s life, as well as the lives of those around such a person. Let us be thankful that self-control is still among us to some degree, in some more than in others; for it is a Divine blessing and is something which can truly be called wisdom. 


“For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

Some versions of the above quote mention that God gave us a spirit of self-control, while other versions of the Bible mention a sound mind, rather than self-control. It is evident however, that both are equivalent to each other, for one who exercises intense self-control is blessed with a sound mind, guided by wisdom to do what is right. Attaining wisdom means having an inner guide so to speak, a Divine light continually guiding your way through the darkness of shallow material existence. Wisdom means sacrifice, doing the right thing even when we desire otherwise. In wisdom are contained such Divine attributes as love, kindness, compassion, mercy, truth, joy, peace, honesty, forgiveness and generosity. Wisdom, which we now see includes truth, can only be attained by those in a constant and honest search for the eternal truth, the truth which has inspired all religions, as well as all systems of philosophy and psychology, all forms of art, design and literature, and all forms of creativity of all that is good and pure. One who despises the truth despises wisdom altogether.

We must seek truth and we can be sure we will attain wisdom, but it cannot be stressed enough how much we must seek. Truth requires us to make a complete commitment to ascending the path of liberation from all that is not true and wise. A commitment to the truth means making a radical decision to really become indifferent to our preferences, and really evaluate our ideas of comfort, ideal living, leisure, and success, among other very important things. Seeking does not have to necessarily be external nor internal. In fact, seeking does not even have to involve learning at all. Actually, one of the most liberating processes which inspire Divine wisdom, is the process of emptying your mind of all thoughts which are not truly your own, as well as of all fears, regrets, pains, grudges and insecurities. Go ahead and get in touch with your sense of adventure, of Divine wonder, and seek, anywhere and everywhere you go, alone and together with anyone and everyone you encounter on your path. Be a light that emanates through the wisdom you have acquired thus far on your journey. Seek within and without, high and low, in silence and in music, in the sadness and the happiness of life, through the pain and the pleasure, through the mundane and the mad. Search in all these places, as well as in any others which occur to you. Look above and look below, for both are indeed an upper and lower reflection of the same Divine energy, the energy of pure Wisdom.


Stay real, stay positive, stay balanced, stay healthy! God bless!

