In Order to Give Light, One Must First Burn.


In order to give light, one must first burn. Wise advice from Rumi, one of history’s greatest Sufi mystics. Although great ideas like this are often explained with the noblest intentions, we never really know how they can be interpreted by those who try to comprehend its meaning. Many people, belonging to various religious and non-religious groups, who strongly identify with certain ideologies, seem to think, for example, that being a light unto the world requires that not only they themselves burn, but that they also burn others down with them in the process of spreading their message. People such as terrorists, etc. Yet many of us engage in the same kind of behavior in our daily lives. In our self-righteous attempts to shine a light unto the world, we end up creating problems, because what we believe is the truth, what we believe is the way in which others should live, is not necessarily the way in which they themselves believe they should live. Often we are the ones who are wrong, yet we go around our whole lives spewing nonsense and corrupting the minds of those who are unfortunate enough to hear us.

Too often we think that shining a light requires us to be heroes, to start great political or religious movements, to reform some kind of movement or to help thousands of people in need. All of these can be truly noble pursuits, but we don’t need to achieve some great, outstanding achievement in this life in order to be a light. In fact, the constant feeling of needing to be someone, to be important, has taken hold of many of us who now live based on our ego, telling ourselves that what we need to achieve is for the people, for our families, or for our friends, when it is really for ourselves. Many of us let this idea get in the way of relationships, as we may believe ourselves to be superior to everyone else, and we may try to control the way in which others behave, or shame others for the way they live or think.  We need to restrict the number of proclamations we make based on little or no evidence, for they are far too many nowadays. Many of us in today’s world, wish to shed light on topics we feel strongly for or against. Although there are certainly things which should be, and are for the most part, frowned upon by society as a whole, such as any action that harms innocent people, there are other things which are not so clear. Sometimes in an attempt to shed light on something we believe we have the authority to speak on, we end up judging people based on nothing but our own preconceived notions, or on ideas we’ve adopted from our society over time. Both are quite the same really.

When we condemn someone else for something, we often fail to see that we are condemning ourselves. As the expression goes, when you point at someone you’re pointing three fingers back at yourself. There are no good and bad people. We have all been good and bad at some point, and the good we might have done might have simply happened without our good intention even. So was it really a good deed? The fact is that everything which is good is in some way bad, and everything which is bad is in some way good, in the grand scheme of things. There is nothing in this physical plane which escapes the law of duality, of cause and effect, or that is beyond the illusion of separation, of maya. We can only come to an understanding of the oneness beyond the illusion of separation if we accept that all difference is due to illusion, and that all is really the same. 

We must realize that, although some crimes might be more severe than others, we are all essentially committing the same sin, to put it in an understandable way. What sin is this? The sin of allowing our lower instincts to take control of us, and to make us act against our better judgement, against our inherent wisdom, against our inner light. We have allowed ignorance to consume us, we have embraced suffering and become it, devoid of divine perception. This transgression leads to every single evil present in our world, it all comes from this same source. So instead of blaming others, blaming the system, the elite, or the bankers and the politicians, or blaming gangs and organized crime, or blaming religion or the media, rather than spending our time assigning blame, we need to humble ourselves and to come to the realization that we are no better than anyone else.

We are all equal in spirit, but not in mind. And speaking of mind, keep in mind that mind is not eternal. Mind, or brain, will come to and end. The person and the body you identified with so closely, which you nurtured so dearly for so many years, will die, will cease to exist in the blink of an eye. Where will you go? Where will you be? We have many religions and philosophies which attempt to provide insight into where we will be after death, but apart from that, there is another way in which we will continue to be: in the hearts and minds we have touched while on this planet, during this incarnation. The legacy we leave behind can either be one of light or one of darkness. And you might ask, well, isn’t everything both light and dark in the end?

The answer is that it is, but only in illusion, only in the limited way in which we  perceive the world. No matter how many choices we make, reality on this plane will keep on manifesting itself and generating experiences based on perfect dual balance, or so it will seem to the untrained eye. Behind the scenes of all the suffering and pain, of all the glory and triumph, of all the love and the hate, all our thoughts and actions are bringing about equal opportunities for wrongs to be set right, for past mistakes to be corrected to create a better future. The only wisdom we can leave behind as a legacy to this forever-divided world is that of the oneness behind the illusion, so that the message may reach those who are blessed to receive it, so that they may see past the illusion and may live to teach others about the oneness of it all. 

When we live with this perception of everything as one, compassion becomes more natural to us, we become less anxious for situations to go our way, we become less stressed and worried about the future, we become less controlling of those around us and instead we open our minds and get in touch with our intuition in order to honestly evaluate every area of our lives. When we live with this perception of oneness, it becomes harder to judge others, since we see that their mistakes arise from the same state of ignorance which our own mistakes arise from. We begin to see the need to lead by example, as opposed to merely teaching and preaching everywhere we go.

Teaching is good, but more important is walking the talk, living a life of integrity which others can learn from. At times, this may seem impossible in a world filled with so much ignorance. But this helpless feeling can be alleviated by seeing the ignorance itself as an illusion. All ignorance is there so that we may see past it, as a motivational boost for us to keep rising, improving, moving beyond our limited state of perception. Living life in such a truthful and honestly mystical way will no doubt come with its challenges, often great ones at that. But to one who has felt the deep oneness which underlies and pervades all existence, and who feels the necessity to make this known, the task seems more  important than even his own personal identity. Such selflessly enlightened souls are definitely ready to burn in order to provide a dazzling light, a bright candle which will shine forever, opening the doors of perception for those brave ones looking to venture past what they think they already know.

Plato said that “those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. Martin Luther King Jr., Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, all imprisoned for the noble cause of uniting divided peoples, of rebelling against division and separation and hate. Gandhi was also assassinated for peace by a man who was strongly driven by extreme nationalism. Among artists, John Lennon was assassinated among many other activists for peace throughout the ages. And let’s not forget Jesus whose very message of peace led to his violent death by crucifixion. Sometimes one feels the need to heal this world no matter the consequences. Most of us ignore this sentiment, preferring to go about our daily lives without a care. Those who are brave enough to accept such an uncomfortable challenge are truly heroes, God’s shining lights illuminating the Earth at various point throughout the ages.

~ Rebel Spirit ~




The body is a tool which we use to experience life on this physical plane. As many of us become immersed in the happenings of everyday life, the years take their toll, and we are left with amnesia, we cannot remember why we came here, to be in this body, in the first place. This is the cause of much human confusion. We believe we are our bodies, and it is hard for us to think of any scenario in which we are separated from our bodies, it just seems like an overwhelming concept to comprehend.

The fact is that we always leave our bodies in much the same way we remove our clothes at the end of the day. It is believed that we leave our bodies during sleep. This could also be going on during meditation, or during intense psychedelic experiences. We definitely leave our bodies as we are astral projecting. Apart from all this, we are actually not even exclusively in our bodies. We are at the same time taking part in the happenings of the spiritual realm. Just because we do not see what is going on, does not mean that there is nothing going on.

If we begin to pay closer attention to what is going on behind the scenes of our lives, we can start to realize that there is a vast space of awareness, a magnificent field of wonder yet to be explored by us. It is within us and without us, it is invisible to the naked eye and yet it is realer than any physical object. It is to this magical substance that we owe our breath, our consciousness, our whole awareness of life, our will-power, our self-control. This is a divine gift from God, one without which we could not exist in the first place. All that we are is energy, manifesting itself because God is unstoppable, and must create life.

 What we must do, what our main task should be, is that of connecting with our spirit on a deeper level, so as not to be affected so strongly by the circumstances of the physical body, and so that we may live our lives according to the divine spirit. This way, we will feel prepared to stand up for justice, to speak our minds, to revolutionize the world with our noble ideas, without fear of physical harm, of persecution or death. How can we fear such things if they are the natural consequences of doing what we know is right? Not even physical death can stop the progress we make in spirit. Don’t give up the fight!





Don’t follow negative trends, instead spread positive new ideas. You never know the amazing ways in which life can unfold when you take action. I believe there is an underlying magic behind all seemingly commonplace events of life. Every sunrise and sunset brings about such tremendous beauty, and when there are no clouds in sight we can see and feel the magnificent sunshine pouring over all that exists, illuminating the green leaves, transforming them into a radiant, bright shade of yellow. The magic is all around us, in nature and also in the genius of human invention, wisdom and innovation.

There have been many throughout history, as there are today, who have tried to capture the essence of this divine magic which permeates all creation. There is hardly any magic more captivating than that of love, of poetry, of music, of feeling free, true freedom, of breaking free of the chains of monotonous existence. We walk around bored, at home, in the streets, at work, complaining about our jobs like our coworkers just because it’s what everyone else loves to talk about casually in order to feel better and help the time pass by. I guess we feel better if others feel miserable too, just as long as we’re not alone in our misery. The liberating truth is that we don’t need to feel like this at all! Every moment, every event, the smallest, most random event has its significance, its purpose for being, just as we all do.

We don’t even know why we exist, we don’t know who created us, we believe in religions and ideologies but we don’t really know the truth, and yet we never bother to investigate! We aren’t the least bit interested in learning about our roots, learning about history and about life, about the world and the universe and all that is. The most terrible tragedy of all is that we never bother to learn about ourselves, the real Self, the spirit within, and the amazing Power which it emanates from, God, the source of all life. We neglect the infinite power within ourselves, the power to promote positive change, which is our purpose on this planet. We were not born simply to selfishly fulfill our desires without a care one time after another as we slowly decay and eventually die.

No, we were born, each person in his or her specific life and family, in order to live, to learn lessons, to teach lessons, through our words and actions, to learn of the goodness within us, to extend that goodness throughout our life journey, to all we encounter. To lend a helping hand, a word of encouragement, a word of wise advice, to be an attentive friend who can listen to another’s concerns with empathy, to care for our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers, to care for ourselves and our neighbors as well. Deep inside, even the most hardened criminal among us knows that these are noble values, and are the things that should be pursued. If he does not acknowledge this, at least he knows that these are values which the human race needs in order to progress, and to avoid extinction. The more we ignore our fellow brothers and sisters, the more we follow negative trends, the more we divide ourselves into little groups and we treat outsiders with contempt, the more we refuse to think for ourselves and act based on what is right and true, the more problems we will all experience, and becoming more and more problematic on a daily basis, life and the world in which we live will slowly decay and will eventually die, perhaps in the time of our not-so-distant descendants, just as the human body slowly completes the dying process, decaying sooner or later depending on the circumstances inflicted upon it by he or she who inhabits it.

With that being said, let us take care of ourselves in a healthy manner, making sure the bodies we have been entrusted with are well fed and are provided with the necessary energy to aid us in our adventure here on Earth. Let us also take care of our families and friends, and of any who need taking care of and who we are in a position to help. Let us analyze our lifestyle and the things we do on a daily basis, let us constantly observe for routines which can be altered in order to improve ourselves, let us be constantly alert for new projects we can undertake, for new ways to grasp the magic within and express it outwardly, for new ways to contribute to the healing and the building up of society and the world, even the universe. If we can cultivate the necessary discipline to apply this extreme mindfulness to each moment of our lives, and if we can develop the strength of character needed to always do the right thing when we realize it, then we can move our lives in a direction which will fill us with positivity and peace, and we will be overtaken by a deep sense of love and care for all that is. 


“Musical Alchemy” (Dec 2017)


“Musical Alchemy” is my newest musical project, as well as first released as Rebel Spirit since I took a break from music a few years back in order to really redefine the vision and mission of my music and the Rebel movement. Been working on this project for the past few months in order to get it out before 2018. Every track on here is meaningful to me in some way, so I hope you all enjoy! You can stream, download for free, or buy the album if you so desire HERE. All support is definitely appreciated!

On this tape I tried to finally move toward a more conscious approach, several tracks being about specific topics I wanted to deal with, and cutting back on unnecessary or pointless rhymes. I think music, especially hip-hop, is about expressing the unexpressed, inspiring the uninspired, and just basically saying what needs to be said. It’s about expression, connection, rhythm and revolution, and this tape is a bold statement of that. Remember, good music with meaning is not dead, you just need to pay attention and be willing to look a bit!

One Love, God bless!


REBEL SPIRIT BEATS Vol. 1: “Back To The Beats”

Check out the release of the first of my series of hip-hop/rap beats/instrumentals. All beats are for sale individually, as well as in the form of a compilation, if you wish to use them for commercial use, and they can be streamed for free for all to enjoy.


  • Free stream, or paid download for commercial use + cover art & tracklist below.



  1. Rebelz Legacy (Rap Instrumental)
  2. Royalty & Loyalty (Rap Instrumental)
  3. Move Me (Rap Instrumental)
  4. Music Is Magic (Rap Instrumental)
  5. Hidden Meaning (Rap Instrumental)
  6. Alice In Mushroom Land (Rap Instrumental)
  7. On Another Level (Rap Instrumental)
  8. Flowin’ Through My Veins (Rap Instrumental)
  9. Bounce (Rap Instrumental)
  10. Mind On Fire (Rap Instrumental)
  11. Danger Danger (Rap Instrumental)
  12. Glory Dayz (Rap Instrumental)
  13. Intensity (Rap Instrumental)
  14. Faded Faceless (Rap Instrumental)
  15. Flow State (Rap Instrumental)
  16. UFO (Rap Instrumental)

“WHERE THE LOVE AT” (produced by Shadowville)




Written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by Shadowville Productions. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit. We all need to take a real honest look at ourselves and accept the amazing fact that we all come from the same essence. We can’t go on living in the same way we have for milennia while somehow avoiding worldwide chaos. Even with the heights of all our technological, social and medical advances, machines actually contribute to our alienation from society and our poor health, people still struggle all their lives through poverty and violence, and millions still die every day due to incurable illnesses. It’s definitely time we all stop and think about the message of Truth which can be found within us, the same message some enlightened beings have attempted shared with us since the beginning of time, regardless of being ridiculed and mocked, persecuted and crucified. They all tried to show us something so simple, yet so precious; something so full of goodness that it encompasses all that is good, from respect among all beings, to compassion for the less fortunate, to intrinsic, unconditional love for those we build a bond with throughout our lives. If we all look for this Truth within us, regardless of race, nationality, religion or belief system, we will clearly see that love is the answer very much needed to the uncertain questions we all face in today’s corrupted world. So I ask you, “Where the love at?!?”

~ God bless | ~ REBEL SPIRIT

“ETERNAL MOTION” (produced by One Tone)

“ETERNAL MOTION”Eternal Motion.png, written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by One Tone. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Everything is in constant motion, even the most seemingly solid objects. Energy is always transforming itself into the next stage of life. In the same way an alchemist is transformed by the powers of wisdom and self-realization, as the energy within begins to shift from the mundane to the eternal. God bless!



“FEEL THE RHYTHM” (produced by FrozenjaZz)


REBEL SPIRIT (1).pngWritten and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by FrozenjaZz. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit.

A track about embracing the rhythm of the universe which is present inside and outside of us, and following it wherever it may lead us.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~ Alan Watts



“REBEL SPIRIT” (produced by Bearded Skull)


Written and recorded by Rebel Spirit. Produced by Bearded Skull. Mixed and mastered by Rebel Spirit. Cover art edited by Rebel Spirit. A track about the meaning of being a Rebel, described by me as “following the vision of realness that I’ve been haunted by, since the day I wrote a rhyme, it inspired my soul to shine.” Dope rhymes on a hard-hitting beat produced by Bearded Skull. 



Where do ideas come from?

-All knowledge comes from the stars (the universal mind). Men do not invent or create ideas; the ideas exist and men are able to grasp them.-- Paracelsus (1493-1541).png

Art by Alex Gray. |

Even the most amazing ideas, which seem to come to us as random glimpses of insight, suddenly illuminating our Spirits in a flash as if we were remembering some deep truth once forgotten, gradually lose their brilliance with every thought that comes to mind after them, eventually being forgotten altogether once again. I find great truth in the following statement by Paracelsus, who believed that “all knowledge comes from the stars (the Universal Mind). Men do not invent or create ideas; the ideas exist and men are able to grasp them.” I take this to mean that ideas are not opinions at all, but are actually facts. Real ideas are truths regarding God and the laws which dictate the entire universe. These ideas reside in the realm of pure wisdom, the realm of Spirit, which is above the carnal mind. Paracelsus refers to this Spirit as “The Universal Mind”, comparable to the Spirit which I often speak of, which is the emanation and reflection of God’s being dwelling inside of us. Ideas are therefore truths, whether we grasp them or not, and we all grasp each universal truth according to our own level of consciousness, depending on how in tune we are with the realm of pure wisdom, and with our spiritual nature.

The nature of the Divine Spirit within us is pure and righteous in every sense of the word. In Hinduism, it is our true Self, the Atman in each of us which reflects the complete all-pervading Brahman; and in Kabbalistic terms, it is the Divine Light in us which emanates from the Ein Sof, through the sefiroth of the Tree of Life. An incredible amount of cultures and belief systems have different terms for these very similar concepts, which is further truth of the relevance of Paracelsus’ statement, that all ideas exist as universal truths, and that it is up to us to grasp them. Sometimes, through silencing the mundane thoughts of the mind, and through deep contemplation of the mysteries of life, we are able to grasp some of these Divine truths. The problem is that we are often so excited by having realized something important, that our ego starts glorifying itself as if it had thought of the idea itself, shifting the focus from the Divine Self of the Spirit to the fake self of the mind. Other times, the opposite takes places, and feelings of insecurity and doubt lead us to criticize and suppress the Divine ideas we have realized. These feelings are also products of mental patterns adopted by us.

FB_IMG_1495399535460.jpgMany ideas are often destroyed by the mind before they can be manifested into physical reality as either righteous speech or action. For example, we might find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation which requires us to act against what we know to be correct. We see others around us engaging in destructive behaviors, and the Divine Spirit within us points out to us the great truth that such behavior is wrong. Feeling such conviction, we will not partake, and we might even feel inspired to motivate our peers to change their behavior patterns. This is a Divine idea which we have had the ability to understand. What happens way too often however, is that we begin to think such thoughts as “Who am I to instruct others on how to live their lives?”, or “No one would pay attention to me, and they might even discriminate against me, if I were to share this great truth with them, which would surely interfere with their immediate ignorance and pleasure.” We remain silent as to not disturb the masses with the truth, deciding to place minimal importance on the difference such an idea might have made in another’s life in the long run. We can see from this example, that this process of pollution and eventual destruction of a Divine idea is brought about by the various overpowering doubts, insecurities, confusions and preconceived notions that are so cherished and nurtured inside the finite human mind.

If we want to practice getting in tune with our Spirit in order to have deeper insights into the nature of things, e must resist becoming confused by the memories that haunt us, or by the aspirations we have of imaginary scenarios, or by fantasies of material gain or powers not yet attained. Realize that no other moment will ever come. Life is no more the present moment, as every second that passes brings about a completely new reality from the one we are experiencing now. If we are constantly overanalyzing the past, we are filling ourselves with regret, and if we are constantly thinking of the future, we are filling ourselves with shame for not being the person we wish to be now. Either way what we are doing above all is reinforcing the belief that the present is not good enough. When this happens continually, we become immersed in our thoughts, and we reach a point where we can never be totally in the present. If we cannot be in the present moment, we can never fully grasp the Divine ideas, or truths, of life. This is because the Spirit realm of wisdom, from which these truths come, is not ruled by time. Time is an imaginary product of our mind, and if we are constantly in another period of time in our head, we are definitely not getting in tune with the realm of Spirit. We must realize that now is the only time we have to act upon our intuition, and to transform ourselves into our highest version. When we receive a revelation from the Spirit, we must appreciate it to the fullest extent, and put it into practice before it becomes mentally corrupted.